With increased visitation, these special places are gradually degraded by careless human behavior. When you visit rock art sites, please do your part to preserve these historical treasures. Don't touch rock-art panels or alter them in any way. Just the oils from your fingers can hasten the erosion of their fragile surface. Enjoy these sites, take home photos and memories – and leave the rest as you found it.
Vandalism of these sites is unfortunately an all-too-common occurrence, facilitated these days by unrestricted off-road vehicle use on federal lands containing archaeological resources. As the number of ATVers continues to mushroom, so do the number of destructive "bad apples" among them, even if that is just a small minority of their overall numbers. We don't need a path blazoned to every last rock-art panel in America. Please ask your political representatives to support legislation that protects the remaining wild and roadless areas of the Southwest.